Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Rogers Market

Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Rogers Market

When exploring properties, the first thing most people do is search online. If you're not marketing your rental property, you'll miss the chance to gain tenants. Updating your property marketing strategy can give you an edge in a competitive market.

Use these tips to start attracting tenants to your Rogers investment properties. Boost your occupancy rate today.

Invest in Property Maintenance

A shabby rental property won't attract new tenants. Invest in maintenance to make the property more appealing. Improve the landscaping, add exterior lighting, and consider a fresh coat of paint.

Explore other rental properties in Rogers. Consider what they offer that your property is lacking. Use this information to make informed updates to the property.

Choose upgrades that will make the property more attractive and boost the property value. You can ask for a higher rental rate to compensate for these upgrades.

Update the Property Listing

You only have a few seconds to make a strong first impression. If your property listing lacks relevant information, renters won't glance at it. Make sure your online listing has:

  • An attention-grabbing header
  • A thorough, detailed description
  • Amenities and special features listing
  • Stunning photos

Hire an experienced real estate photographer. Ask if they can create video or virtual tours of the property. Listings with video content get 403% more views than those without.

Offer Competitive Leasing Terms

Give yourself a competitive edge by remaining flexible. Another real estate investor might be set in their ways about their leasing terms. Offering flexible options can help you attract renters in a tough market.

You can offer a monthly, annual, or two-year term. Talk to potential renters to determine what they're looking for.

Consider Incentives

Use incentives to attract new renters and keep your current tenants. Consider offering:

  • Free cleaning services
  • Gift cards to local shops/restaurants
  • Cash gifts
  • A free month of rent

To retain your existing tenants, consider upgrading the property. Offer a fresh coat of paint, new appliances, or smart home technology.

Use Digital Marketing

To attract new tenants in a tough market, head online. Use digital marketing strategies to generate more traffic to the property listing. These strategies include:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Paid advertising

As a real estate investor, you may not have time to monitor these campaigns. Consider outsourcing to save time.

Get Help Marketing Your Rental Property

You don't have to start marketing your rental property alone. Instead, hire a property management company. Learn from their years of experience in the industry.

Choose a full-service property management company. Their services can improve your tenant-landlord relations. Happy tenants will renew their leases, improving your retention rate.

Upgrade Your Property Marketing Strategy

A strong property marketing strategy can give you an edge in today's competitive real estate market. Use these strategies to start attracting tenants. Otherwise, outsource!

PMI Heritage uses the latest technology and award-winning strategies to help clients maximize returns. We can help with marketing, maintenance, and more.

Leverage our 20 years of experience! Contact us today to start attracting tenants.
